pm Tonight - Child Obesity
Chrisetta Mosley, Child Obesity Survivor and local speaker, blogger and author
of "Shop, Cook and Eat Outside of the Box" as she welcomes viewers. Come to
LaCamas Swim & Sport to view "CHILDREN IN CRISIS", the 3rd in the series of
HBO's "The Weight of the Nation" documentaries
This movie is a must-see for everyone big and small, old and young to see how
we can address the issue as a community. Ms. Mosley is a dynamic, passionate
speaker and will stay after the movie to collaborate with anyone interested in
taking action. There will be healthy snacks, giveaways and health resources
available for viewers.
Need a map to find LaCamas Swim & Sport? Click Here
2950 NW 38th Ave, Camas,
(360) 834-8506